Friday, February 19, 2010

Comments please!

OK people even if you don't like my posts, could ya PLEASE comment on some of them? Just say a bunch of random things or whatever, but please at least comment! I'm counting on you!

Sailor Moon

I LOVE Sailor Moon now! Its about 5 girls, Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, and Sailor Venus. There's two talking cats. A Sailor Mini Moon, Tuxedo Mask, ans Sailor Saturn, Sailor Neptune, Sailor Uranus, and Sailor Pluto. It's really funny! And it's romantic too! They're attacked by many things, like Heart Snatchers, the Nega Moon, Dream Stealers, its VERY good! Try it! I LOVE IT!

iTouch AGAIN

Before I said I didn't have an iTouch, but now I have one. But my Sansa Fuze was stolen. Anyway, I LOVE my iTouch! It's the BEST! MUST HAVE!!!! OK see ya later!